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TOTAL GRAINS*    27.0618.07
Production 22932267229923122321
Trade 427429448416418
Consumption 22892277231323212324
Carryover stocks 613603589582586
* Wheat and coarse grains      

Grain Market Report

The forecast for global total grains (wheat and coarse grains) production in 2024/25 is lifted by 8m t m/m (month-on-month), to 2,321m, up by 1% y/y (year-on-year). Incorporating latest acreage estimates and, with improved yield prospects in some countries, outlooks for wheat (North America, Pakistan, Kazakhstan) and maize (US) harvests are revised higher.

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Conference 2024

Press Release

Members of the International Grains Council (IGC) convened for the 60th IGC Council Session on 10th June 2024.

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Databank: Ukraine

Summary of grains and oilseeds production and exports in Ukraine.

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IGC conference 2023: Dialogue on food security

At the IGC Grains Conference2023, a dialogue was held between producers and importers about food security crisis. International organisations and 14 delegations brought their views to enhance the resilience of the global food security and trade.

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