2nd high-level dialogue between grain producing
and importing countries

On 11th -12th June 2024, the International Grains Council (IGC) organized the 2nd high-level dialogue between grain producing and importing countries. Delegates explored the new relationship between trade and food security. A wide range of stakeholders from governments, international organizations and the private sector discussed the role of global trade in the global food system and measures, policies, and initiatives that could be implemented to enhance the role of trade in food security.

The high-level dialogue between grains producing and importing countries was initiated by the government of Japan during its chairmanship of the G7 at the 2023 IGC Grains Conference. It will now be a regular feature of IGC’s future conferences to support strategic discussions to facilitate the freest trade possible.

The IGC Secretariat is delighted to present the outcome document based on the discussions titled "Reshaping the conversation on global trade and food security".

We hope that this outcome document will serve as a reference for future discussions about the relevance of trade in the global food system and will help identify avenues to improve the efficiency of the grains market.

[ link to the video about the dialogue ]

[ PDF link to the outcome document ]

"Dialogue on the Food Security Crisis between
Food Exporting Countries and Importing Countries."

On June 12th 2023, the International Grains Council (IGC) and Japan co-organized the “Dialogue on the Food Security Crisis between Food Exporting and Importing Countries.” A wide range of stakeholders from governments, international organizations and the private sector took part in the Dialogue.

During the Dialogue, participants discussed what actions are recommended for market actors including food exporting and importing countries in times of a food security crisis to prevent worsening situations.

We are now pleased to announce the publication of the outcome document based on the discussion, which is “The Key Principles of Actions on Food Security Crises for Exporters and Importers.”

The purpose of this document is to consolidate a shared understanding of recommended actions in response to food security crises among a wide range of stakeholders, including governments and the private sector.

We hope that this outcome document will serve as a reference for guiding principles of action during periods of food crises. We invite and welcome more governments, international organizations and private stakeholders to join and support the key principles.

[ link to the video about the dialogue ]

[ PDF link to the outcome document ]